Luffy from ‘One Piece’, with his rubbery antics and relentless spirit, has been a beacon of hope for many of his fans. Despite the smile on his face, Luffy’s backstory isn’t all fun and games. Many already know that he’s an orphan of sorts. His mother remains an enigma and his father, let’s just say he’s not winning any father of the year awards anytime soon. Rather than being a traditional father figure, he chose a path where he leads a militia against the government. Classic signs of a deadbeat dad? Quite possibly. To top all of this, there’s the heartbreak concerning Luffy’s adoptive brother.
Ace in ‘One Piece’: “I get it. Sometimes you need to know when one of your favorite characters is going to bite it. It can help to be emotionally prepared.”
Ace’s Last Stand: Episode That Shattered Hearts

The journey of ‘One Piece’ is long, arduous, and filled with a plethora of emotional ups and downs. Fans often find themselves asking, “What One Piece episode does Ace die in?” Not out of morbid curiosity but perhaps to brace themselves for an episode filled with anguish.
“After all, it’s literally called ‘Looking for the Answer – Fire Fist Ace Dies on the Battlefield.’ It’s the 483rd episode of the show, so you have OODLES of time before you get there.”
Luffy Gear 5 parallels 🤩
— One Piece Daily (@opdaiIy) October 19, 2023
But no amount of time or emotional preparation can ready you for the sorrow of witnessing Ace getting a hole punched right through his chest. The emotional gravity of that moment isn’t just because of the visual horror. The fact that he meets his end while defending his younger brother only intensifies the pain. This shonen anime episode delivers an emotional blow, even mightier than the one Akainu, known also as Sakazuki, dealt Ace.

“Watching Ace get a literal hole punched in his chest is gonna punch a figurative hole in yours.”
In his final moments, Ace doesn’t plead Luffy to continue his legacy or seek revenge. Instead, in a heartbreaking farewell, he expresses gratitude towards Luffy for all the love and warmth.
“Ace simply thanks Luffy for loving him and then dies in his arms.”