Blue Lock is a very popular football anime series based on the manga written by Muneyuki Kaneshiro. The series premiered on April 10, 2021, and has been produced by the animation studio 8bit. It has garnered a massive fan following for its intense soccer matches and intriguing storyline.
What is the Blue Lock anime series about?
The series revolves around the story of Yoichi Isagi, a talented soccer player who fails to make it to the national team due to the flawed selection process. The program brings together 300 of the best strikers from high schools across Japan, and they must compete against each other in a rigorous training camp to determine who will become the country’s top scorer.
bachira dancing cat dance meme blue lock fan
— ُ (@cvbhers) February 13, 2023
As the story progresses, we see Yoichi and his fellow teammates face various challenges and obstacles in their quest to become the ultimate striker. They must hone their physical abilities and develop their mental strength and strategy. The series explores the concept of individualism versus teamwork and the sacrifices one must make to achieve their goals.
Where can I watch the Blue Lock online?
New nagi illustration
— Daily BLUE LOCK⚽ (@BlueLockpic) February 25, 2023
For those interested in watching the Blue Lock anime, it is available to stream online on multiple platforms. It can be watched on streaming services such as Netflix, Funimation, and Crunchyroll. The series has also been licensed for release in North America, so fans in the region can purchase the Blu-ray and DVD box sets.
Who is voicing characters in Blue Lock?
The Blue Lock anime features a talented voice cast that brings the characters to life. Yoichi Isagi is voiced by Yusuke Kobayashi, who is known for his roles in other popular anime series. For example, Re: Zero and Dr. Stone. Other notable voice actors include Gen Sato as Seishiro Nagi, Hiroki Nanami as Ryuusei Shidou, and Takanori Hoshino as Eita Otoya.