It’s no secret that in the mercurial universe of streaming, shows can sometimes face abrupt ends. However, fans rarely anticipate a ‘renewal’ only to experience an unforeseen ‘un-renewal’ shortly after. Netflix’s recent decision regarding “Inside Job” serves as a fresh reminder of this unpredictability, triggering a storm of responses from its dedicated fanbase.
The Unique Fate of “Inside Job”
Created by Shion Takeuchi, “Inside Job” introduces us to an alternate reality where every conspiracy theory holds weight. Its journey began on a promising note, with Netflix commissioning a 20-episode arc bifurcated into two segments. The initial ten episodes, which went live in June 2022, garnered enough traction to secure a green light for the subsequent season.

However, things took a surprising detour post the release of the latter ten episodes in November 2022. Word began circulating that Netflix wasn’t thrilled with certain performance indicators tied to this latest installment.
This led to a move that left many flabbergasted: despite the previous renewal commitment, Netflix opted to pull the plug on the series. Takeuchi validated this decision by addressing the public through an online statement.
Animation Industry: Navigating Through Turbulent Waters
The unforeseen climax of “Inside Job” is emblematic of broader challenges rattling the animation sphere. One need not look further than WB Discovery, where a string of cancellations and removals of animated content paints a grim picture.
This evokes memories of the highly praised animated masterpiece “Tuca and Bertie“, which despite its acclaim, faced a similar fate before finding refuge on another platform.

From Reaffirmation to Rejection: A Rare Yet Not Unheard-of Phenomenon
For a platform to first renew and then rescind its decision might seem bewildering, but it’s not without precedent. A notable parallel can be drawn with the show “GLOW”, which, despite its initially promised finale, fell victim to pandemic-induced production impediments.
As for “Inside Job”, insiders speculate the rationale behind its axing oscillates between performance metrics and budgetary constraints. Irrespective of the driving factors, fans didn’t mince words in expressing their discontent. Their collective uproar propelled “Inside Job” into Twitter’s trending topics, amassing over 50,000 tweets in mere hours.
Netflix has reversed the season 2 renewal for INSIDE JOB. The series is now cancelled.
Creator Shion Takeuchi shares her thoughts in the second photo.
— Cartoon Crave (@TheCartoonCrave) January 9, 2023
‘Gravity Falls’ vs. ‘Inside Job’: A Tale of Two Endings
The show’s progenitor earlier gave us “Gravity Falls”, a series which met its conclusion organically and left fans satisfied. On the contrary, the future trajectory of “Inside Job” remains a mystery. While it’s unclear how many seasons were envisioned for the latter, what’s evident is its premature truncation after just one season.

Simultaneously, other animated entities like “Big Mouth” continue to bask in extended renewals, the latest being its announcement of a seventh season.
Although the specifics behind Netflix’s choice remain undisclosed, one can’t help but speculate that factors such as expenditure, viewership stats, and engagement ratios played a pivotal role. For the ardent followers of “Inside Job”, this decision is a bitter pill to swallow, especially given the palpable excitement surrounding its sophomore season.