One Piece, a manga series that has captivated fans for years with its thrilling adventures and intriguing characters, is making headlines once again. With over 1,000 chapters and still going strong, this epic tale is about to receive a live-action adaptation on Netflix, centered around the charismatic Monkey D. Luffy, captain of a daring pirate crew. While its creator, Eiichiro Oda, has always been vocal about his characters and their journeys, an interesting statement is now in the spotlight.
The Absence of Romance in One Piece
Oda (2009): I don’t draw romance because OP is a manga for boys. Female fans ask me to draw romance, but if they want to read it, they should read shoujo manga, and it’s not my job. I don’t care how many women love Luffy, but I don’t think it’s good if they love each other.😅
— sandman (@sandman_AP) July 28, 2023
Despite the many elements that make One Piece an enthralling saga, some fans have noticed the absence of one particular aspect: romance. Although heavily requested by the audience, Oda explained why he deliberately chose to steer clear of romantic plot lines in his manga.
Eiichiro Oda clarified that his main focus was on themes of friendship and adventure, as he believed these resonated best with the shonen manga genre, which primarily targets male readers. He was also mindful of not disappointing his significant female fanbase by introducing romantic relationships between the characters.
While Oda maintained a no-romance stance for One Piece, he made it clear that he did not harbor any aversion towards romance as a concept. In fact, he admired manga artists who seamlessly incorporated romantic subplots into their works. Oda himself enjoyed reading romance manga and was accepting of fans who envisioned romantic connections between his characters.
Rather than dictating the characters’ relationships, Oda preferred leaving it to the readers’ imagination. He found joy in witnessing how each individual enjoyed and interpreted his creation in their unique way, drawing inspiration from different anime and manga themselves.
The Evolution of One Piece Adaptation
Oda’s statements were made in 2009, and much has changed since then. The question now arises whether Netflix’s live-action adaptation will adhere to Oda’s traditional approach or venture into including romance.
Netflix’s highly anticipated live-action adaptation of One Piece will comprise a gripping 10-episode series, covering the manga’s first arc, where Luffy embarks on his quest to become the King of the Pirates. With Eiichiro Oda actively involved as a producer, the project holds true to the original story and characters, gaining Oda’s wholehearted approval.
As the show is developed by showrunner Steven Maeda and writer Matt Owens, both fervent One Piece fans who have earned Oda’s trust, the authenticity of the adaptation seems promising. While Netflix is known for taking creative liberties, fans are eagerly awaiting to see whether romance will find its way into this exciting adaptation.