This might be a bit disappointing for the One Piece animators, but after the latest update by the Editor of One Pace, a fan project aiming to correct the pacing, fans can no longer wait for Netflix’s upcoming remake of the anime series in association with Wit Studio.

It’s not anything new that the One Piece fandom, no matter how much they love the series, the pacing has always been disappointing. A few fans have claimed that this slow pacing has led them to drop the show and some of them just went on to read the manga. Fans have claimed that the animators are not only disappointing the fandom but also disrespecting the author by ruining such a beautiful masterpiece.
This is why we need a One Piece remake
— Lime Juice (@LordLimeJuice) February 18, 2024
One Pace Editor Proves How The Latest One Piece Episode Was Dragged Unnecessarily And Now Fans Cannot Wait Any Longer For The One Piece Remake
The One Piece anime is presently at the Egg Head Island Arc, with 7 episodes released currently. Despite many requests from fans, the animators ignored all of their suggestions. One Pace, a project started by a few enthusiasts, tries to “correct” the pacing that has frustrated the fans for years. Aside from that, the anime series is infamous for stretching out episodes for incomprehensible reasons, and most of the episodes contain fillers.

The recent post from the One Pace editor on Reddit demonstrates how the animators like extending out the episodes unnecessarily. In Episode 1092, Luffy senses Kuma nearby while Bonney is bidding them farewell on Egghead Island. One Pace chopped this sequence short, and the editor claimed they saved 1 minute and 47 seconds. The fans have now demanded that the anime be redone, and if Netflix attempts to do it, they will support them!

The fans are eagerly awaiting the Netflix remake series dedicated just to Eiichiro Oda and his manga. While the East Blue Saga is the only part for which a remake has been confirmed, Netflix may decide to adapt the complete series if things go well. According to some fans, Netflix may decide to continue with the remake of One Piece in place of the Netflix Live Action series, which is expected to cost more than the whole set of Game of Thrones, and end the show after two or three seasons.
One Piece Remake By Netflix: What Do The Fans Expect?
Netflix has previously confirmed that they would release the One Piece adaptation in association with Wit Studio. Financial reports from IG Port, Wit Studio’s parent company, indicated that One Piece has been in production since November 2023, but was not made public until December 2023. Netflix and Wit Studio have acknowledged that their plans would fix the pacing concerns and improve the animation.

Fans have wanted the same voice actors for the One Piece adaptation, although this may be challenging due to their age. Maintaining the same quality may prove difficult for them. Along with adding episodes that will address the side plots that span many chapters, fans also want Netflix to “undo” the scenes that were toned down in the anime original episodes.