The anime adaptation of “Heavenly Delusion” has been a topic of significant interest among fans, largely due to its faithful rendition of the thrilling escapades of Maru and Kiruko, as depicted in Masakazu Ishiguro’s manga. Production I.G.’s work has been widely praised, but the big question remains: Will there be a second season?
The Reception and Uncertain Future
“Heavenly Delusion” garnered a positive response from its audience, particularly for its dynamic character duo and impressive world-building. Despite this acclaim, the anime’s journey has been halted with no official announcement of a second season following its conclusion on June 24. This lack of news has left many fans in suspense, questioning the criteria for anime renewals in an industry where even high-rated series like MAPPA’s “Chainsaw Man” or David Production’s “Fire Force” have faced similar uncertainties.
My personal favourite opening of this year, heavenly delusion had it all— ᴋᴀʏɴᴇ (@kayn3_) November 24, 2023
The Role of Sales and Industry Trends
A key factor in the decision-making process for anime continuations is the commercial success, often measured through Bluray sales. “Heavenly Delusion” reported modest sales, a metric that holds significant weight in the Japanese market. This scenario mirrors other popular series, raising questions about the commercial viability needed for a series to secure a second season.
What Lies Ahead for “Heavenly Delusion”
While the absence of a renewal announcement for “Heavenly Delusion” may be disheartening, it’s crucial to recognize that the series has not been canceled either. The anime world is unpredictable, as seen with series like “Fire Force”, which despite having a confirmed third season, has seen no further development. This scenario illustrates that even with confirmation, progress isn’t always guaranteed.
The Manga’s Influence on the Anime’s Future
A potential factor influencing the decision for a second season could be the progress of the manga itself. With a considerable portion of Masakazu Ishiguro’s work already adapted in the first season, Production I.G. might be waiting for more material to be developed in the manga. This strategy ensures a richer storyline and more content for adaptation, which could enhance the prospects of a second season.
A Waiting Game
In conclusion, while the future of “Heavenly Delusion” remains uncertain, it’s important for fans to stay hopeful yet realistic. The anime industry is full of surprises, and a series’ continuation often depends on a myriad of factors, ranging from sales performance to source material availability. The story of Maru and Kiruko may yet have more to tell, and fans will be eagerly watching for any signs of a new season on the horizon.