Sexual assault victims should have strong evidence to back their story when they accuse someone of sexual misconduct, says Melania Trump the present First Lady of United States in a recent interview. By saying so, Melania Trump stands by the statement that she made in October 2016 when her husband Donald Trump, the 45th United States President then only a candidate was facing severe allegations of sexual assault.
During the solo trip to Africa, Melania Trump was asked for a sit-down taped interview with ABC News in Kenya. In the interview, she was asked about her views on the #MeToo movement which still rallies around the globe making headlines. Her views reflected her husband’s statement that when someone accuses somebody of something then they should have a really strong evidence to prove their claim. She also said that it doesn’t mean that she is against women or that she doesn’t support them, women always have her full support if their claims are true and genuine but she also feels men must also have to be heard and they should also be given a fair chance.
She felt this way because now-a-days many are making false allegations which brings down someone’s name and image, and turns their life upside down due to the presence of wide spread media. She also added that women who project themselves as victims should be able to support their claim with some sort of evidence, if everybody were allowed to make accusations without proof then everyone will start making accusations which might not even be true and a real issue might get submerged in all those fabricated lies.
Especially media, when someone says that they have been sexually assaulted or that someone has done something to them, takes it too far and the way media portrays those stories aren’t right says Melanai Trump.She also recalled the allegations made on Donald trump when he stood for the presidential election. About 13 women made accusation of sexual assault and sexual harassment on Donald Trump. All of them came forward when a videotape ‘Access Hollywood’ of 2005 was released during his presidential campaign in October 2016. The video shows Donald Trump saying when someone is a star, then people let that person do whatever he wants to do,with anyone that he wants to do.
This video stirred a situation but The White House managed the situation through Sarah Sanders, The White House press secretary and a few others. Sarah Sanders resolved all those allegations by weakening the case on the point that all of them were old news which was intentionally released during the campaign to bring down the Donald Trump’s image. Even in an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper in 2016, Melanai Trump told that every accusations and assaults should be resorted in court and that making allegations on anybody whether a man or woman without proper evidence was unjust and wrong. Adding to it, she also said that nobody ever checks on the background of those women making all those allegations and on the details that they give. She claims that all those who accuse her husband do not have facts and all of them were organized by the opposition during the election
The president, Donald Trump is also skeptical about the notion of those women who come forward after decades of the original incident. He also questions on the silence those women maintained and why those women report the incident at the time it took place. He also expressed his non belief over the #MeToo movement and his worry about those men mentioned in the #MeToo movement.
Also, when asked about the Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s issue, Melanai Trump said that she wouldn’t believe Christine Blasey-Ford, the accuser of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, in a briefing with the press that traveled with her in Egypt. Moving on she also said that all those victims needed was support and help regardless of the kind of abuse that they had undergone. She also added that she is strongly against any kind of abuse or violence for that matter.
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