10 Best Movies With The Worst Endings

Law Abiding Citizen Treats Its Hero Like A Villain

Law Abiding Citizen isn't a bad film. However, it holds itself back by refusing to let Clyde win. Clyde's journey toward revenge for his family's death is compelling.

No Country For Old Men Ends Off Camera

No Country for Old Men is a great movie that loses its touch by the end. Many viewers consider the film a great watch until its closing monologue.

Thor: Ragnarok Undoes Itself To Lead Into Infinity War

The unique nature of the Marvel Cinematic Universe changes its films' endings. Most MCU movies lead into at least one other film. Few do so as directly as Thor: Ragnarok.

La La Land Doesn't Work Out Happily Ever After

La La Land is a beautifully romantic musical with a disappointing ending. The central couple decides to go their own ways and pursue their careers rather than the relationship.

Bullet Train Tips Into Too Self-Indulgent

Bullet Train is an unexpected delight of an action film. It's funny, stylish, original, and stuffed with great action scenes. A large part of its unique tone comes from how self-indulgent it is.

Source Code Breaks Its Own Rules

A good ending should catch the audience off-guard, but it shouldn't have to lie to do so. Throughout Source Code, it's repeatedly stated that the plot device isn't time travel or a new world.

The Shape Of Water Is About Love & Gills

A good ending should catch the audience off-guard, but it shouldn't have to lie to do so. Throughout Source Code, it's repeatedly stated that the plot device isn't time travel or a new world.

The Wolverine Turns Farcical At The Last Hurdle

The Wolverine is one of the more divisive entries in the uneven X-Men film franchise. It has those who like it and those who overlook it. Nonetheless, it's a well-made film for most of its runtime.

In Lucy, Power Becomes Knowledge

Lucy was an all-around great film up until its finale, which lands on a rather odd note.

I Am Legend Has A Better Alternate Ending

I Am Legend doesn't hold up all that well in the current day. However, it was once considered a good movie that was marred by a terrible ending.